Wines for Every Pocket

In Puglia e Campania on the hunt for Falanghina

We return to Falanghina to expand our panorama and offer, alongside a classic from Benevento, one from Puglia, from Gioia del Colle.

It seems that Falanghina is a grape variety of Greek (or Balkan) origin, and it is possible that its name derives from the fact that it was supported on poles called “phalanx,” hence precisely Falanghina. The fact is that, as we have said several times (most recently here), it is a grape variety that has found its land of choice especially in the Benevento area and in Campania in general. Its strengths are freshness and drinkability, a certain lightness and pleasantness of aromas.

Precisely because of these characteristics it is very suitable for Mediterranean dishes, starting with appetizers, rice or pasta with seafood or fish sauces, legume soups or vegetarian soups. Excellent pairing with grilled or fried fish and white meats.

This time with our proposals we trespass from the Campania region, where this vine finds its best expressions, to go to Puglia, where we find an interesting version in Gioia del Colle, which we propose in parallel with a classic from Sannio Beneventano.

The two wineries we chose are the Apulian Coppi Casa Vinicola and the cooperative winery La Guardiense.

The former has a winery more than a century old, but the Coppi family’s ownership dates back to 1979, when Antonio Coppi, who had worked as a winemaker in the previous management, bought the company and began to transform it. Today it is one of the most important in the area, offering a wide range based mainly on traditional varieties.

La Guardiense is an excellent cooperative winery and, as it should always be with this type of company, offers good to very good wines at really affordable prices. Its production is mainly focused on Falanghina for white wines and Aglianico for reds.

And we come to the wines chosen. As usual click on the name to read the fact sheet.

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