
Nizza’s 20 years

Big event at the Lavazza Nuvola in Turin to celebrate the first 20 years of the Nizza Producers Association. The best Nizza now on the market.

Determination and sharing a common project. This could be one of the definitions that bring together the main points on which the success of the Associazione Produttori del Nizza is based, which, born in 2002, has achieved all the goals it set for itself. Last November 21, at the Lavazza Nuvola in Turin, in addition to having blown out its first twenty candles, the Association took a snapshot of the promotional work carried out for the Nizza DOCG; at the top is an obvious fact: the number of member wineries is constantly increasing. Active and involved in the project.

Out of 81 total, as many as 58 were present at the event organized in Italy’s first capital to introduce themselves to the 500 accredited Ho.Re.Ca. and Sommelier operators. Where a long and rich tasting session was preceded by a Forum, which highlighted the presence of Nizza, produced in 18 municipalities of Monferrato, in many foreign markets with a total of 800 thousand bottles produced annually, growing by 30 percent, in terms of volume, in the last five years alone.

“Nizza Docg is growing, year by year, in market diffusion, quality and notoriety, and that is why it is essential to involve wine professionals from large Italian and foreign cities so as to be “strong at home” so Turin and conquer the big international capitals,” said Stefano Chiarlo, current president of the Nizza Producers Association. Who was keen to recall how from a sub-area of Barbera d’Asti, Nizza owes its positive response in consumers above all to the team strength and commitment of each individual producer.

From the small farmer to the cooperative, everyone personally follows the entire production chain aimed at achieving the best possible quality level. How? With that same spirit of belonging and willingness to grow, still alive today, that pushed the producers – just a dozen in the early 2000s – to confront each other, constantly, through so-called blind tastings – in the dark – without knowing the author of the wine in order to trace the common, quality and indispensable points in a Nice. By doing so, over time a style, taste and high level of wines was delineated.

Other milestones for this growth and a more integrated tourism offer were the obtaining in 2014 of the Nizza DOCG and the creation in 2018 of the territory map with Enogea. In the future, the Association and its producers are already working to go even deeper and achieve a further definition of these micro-territories present within the area, so as to make the world of Nizza even more multifaceted and complex. Last but not least, further activities in Italy and abroad have already been scheduled, such as further and numerous meetings with industry insiders in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Brussels, Lucerne and Lugano.

These are some of the best Nizza and Nizza Riserva reviewed by Riccardo Viscardi and Stefania Vinciguerra during tastings conducted for the Essential Guide to the Wines of Italy 2023. To read the wine sheet, click on the name.

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