TastingsWines for Every Pocket

Cantine Pliniana gets a makeover

CdA Cantine Pliniana

Sixty years after its founding, the historic cooperative winery Pliniana, on the outskirts of Manduria, celebrated its birthday with a restyling of the company’s vision and the renewal of its graphics, which are more modern and appealing.

“Wines full of life” is the claim chosen..
La metamorfosi è rappresentata dalle farfalle, simbolo per eccellenza del mutamento, che campeggiano sulle etichette della linea Messapo, che insieme alle linee Centocontrade e Pliniana, compongono il nuovo portfolio vini.

While maintaining values and identity, the transformation involved all areas of production, from the vineyard to the winery, from marketing to distribution.
Decisive was the introduction into the company’s workforce of
new key figures to boost planning, foreign market development and communication: lawyer Simone De Pasquale is the general manager, winemaker Teodosio D’Apolito is the production manager, Angelica Bisci is the export manager and Marianna Cionfoli is the social media manager.

An evolving reality

Presentation 60 years of Pliniana Cellars
Presentation 60 years of Pliniana Cellars

Today the Pliniana counts 380 members and a total planted area of about 900 hectares immersed in the Primitivo di Manduria DOC area and distributed among the municipalities of Manduria, Maruggio, Sava, Avetrana and Erchie. È an evolving, enterprising and forward-looking reality, in contrast to the widespread perception that cooperative enterprise, especially in the South, is a static corporate model, perpetually in crisis and with poor quality production.

The words of the new director

“Lhe Pliniana is one of the oldest cooperative wineries in the Manduria area. Until now the core business has been bulk wine, quality but still bulk wine – says Simone De Pasquale -. The new board has realized that it is necessary to bring in new professionalism into management and bet on bottled wine. The change took place within a few months, and the results were not long in coming. We wish to make a difference by giving over time the proper attention to the territory, the members, the search for quality, the study of innovations and collective growth.” “The core business is and will remain Primitivo di Manduria – continues De Pasquale -. but we are open to experimentations. General demand for reds is declining, but bottled Primitivo is in high demand; we have been quite successful in Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, China and South America. A new chapter opens geared toward strengthening the non-European market and the retention of wine tourists. Pliniana is an agricultural cooperative that is modernizing, is lean and dynamic, the rebranding action was necessary to tell others about it as well“.

A more modern style for wines

Pliniana Cellars Restyling
Pliniana Cellars Restyling

The new wines are contemporary, fresh and expressive, capable of conveying the peculiarities of Manduria through a refined and immediate interpretation. In addition to Primitivo di Manduria, Negroamaro, Fiano and Chardonnay are produced, recently Susumaniello has been successfully introduced with a production of only 5,000 bottles obtained from a single plot.





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