Tag : riccardo cotarella

Pot-PourriWine world news

Vintage estimates 2024: comments from key players

Editorial Staff
Comments on the 2024 vintage estimates from Riccardo Cotarella president Assoenologi, Livio Proietti president ISMEA, Lamberto Frescobaldi president UIV and Gaya Ducceschi Head of Wine & Society and Communication CEEV. They were presented today in Ortigia (SR), as part of...
Pot-PourriWineries inform

Poderi dal Nespoli, discovering the wine identity of Romagna

Marketing & Advertising
, In the heart of the picturesque Forlì countryside, among the rolling hills that unravel from the base of the Apennines to the Adriatic coast, lies a winery that symbolizes the authenticity and evolution of Romagna’s wine-making tradition: Poderi dal...