Tag : Bosco de’ Medici

TastingsTerritories and wines

Metropolitan vineyards in Campania

Antonella Amodio
Few people know that Naples is the second largest urban vineyard area in Europe. Of course, the Metropolitan City of Naples is large, extending beyond the municipal area, but metropolitan vineyards creep through the concrete and asphalt of the city,...
TastingsTerritories and wines

Pompeii: the city buried in time and resurrected in wine

Antonella Amodio
Three producers from Campania paid tribute to Pompeii with important and different projects-Mastroberardino, Di Meo and Bosco de' Medici. Projects that revive the city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius. Pompeii, famous for its well-preserved ruins, has left an indelible...