EditorialSigned DoctorWine

Coming soon: The Essential Guide to Italian Wines 2025

Presentazione Guida Essenziale ai Vini d'Italia 2025 - Milano e Roma

Once again this year the miracle is accomplished. At least that is how we experience it. The races in June, July and August to be able to close the guide have been the constant of our summers for 11 years. And we are happy about it. Coming soon: The Essential Guide to Italian Wines 2025.

The Essential Guide to Italian Wines 2025 is about to be officially unveiled. Months and months of tastings, trips, emails, feedbacks, updates of winery data, hectares, bottles produced, wine prices, checking vintages that correspond to those actually tasted, proofreading texts looking for typos, waiting for the latest entries from contributors (that someone who delays is always there), English translations traveling at the same time… every year a race against time.

That tension until the very last of failing to meet the deadlines of the printer, of not double-checking everything, of typing out of haste “red” to a white wine and vice versa (things that happen even to the best, sigh)…Then the “ready for press“, what is done and done.
The beauty (and also the damnation) of paper books.

The first copy 2025

The wait now is to see the Pilot Copy – like Uncle Scrooge’s No. 1 – still warm with ink and smelling of new paper.

At the 11th edition I still get excited and look forward to seeing the award-winning producers in Milan on September 28.
Tasting their
wonderful wines, the wines of all Italian producers who will be present at the events in Milan and Rome, the result of far more hard work than ours obviously. See the tasting tables neatly lined with white tablecloths, the bottles lined up like the rows of vines from which they come from, producers and sommeliers smiling and ready to tell about territories, winemaking and flavors-a magical way that of Italian wine. A world that in a small part can be glimpsed between the lines of our Guide. Below is the link to register for the presentations:

To stay up-to-date on the list of producers attending the various events also follow us on our socials: Facebook and Instagram

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