EditorialSigned DoctorWine

Thanks to everyone!

Premiazione Guida Essenziale ai Vini d'Italia 2025 by Daniele Cernilli

We are definitely very happy. The presentation of The Essential Guide to Italian Wine 2025 was a wonderful celebration both in Milan and Rome. This is evidenced by the comments and thanks that are still coming in, but we are the ones thanking all of you.

I know, it may sound redundant and maybe even a bit self-aggrandizing, but allow us to thank all those who contributed to the success of the double presentation(Milan and Rome) of the The Essential Guide to Italian Wine 2025. Let’s start with you readers, wine enthusiasts like us, who follow us and flock to our tastings, showing by your presence that you trust our judgment.

Thanks to the wine producers, operators and the press

So the producers who believe in DoctorWine and appreciate the way we work, confirming with their participation the validity of our project. This year, during the award ceremony, we really had with us the elite of Italian production, starting from the “great sages,” those who had received the award over the years. A Life for Wine and who honored us with their presence again this year, giving pills of their wisdom.
But they were not the only ones.
On the Principe di Savoia stage were some of the most important and brilliant protagonists of the Italian wine world, some of whom it is very difficult to see around.

Then a thank you to the practitioners in the field (restaurateurs, wine merchants, buyers, distributors, representatives, sommeliers), who take advantage of our presentations to taste the great wines we select, confident in the quality of our choices.
And of course, thanks to the
printing, at blogger, at influencer who follow our events and publications giving them prominence.

Thanks to our small but fierce organization

But let me also thank the entire DoctorWine team, primarily our micro-edition.
Per questioni gerarchiche parto dal direttore Daniele Cernilli, per la fiducia che mi accorda come suo braccio destro, ma voglio porre in giusto rilievo il lavoro della segretaria di redazione Iolanda Maggio, che oltre a effettuare tutto il caricamento dati sul gigantesco database che c’è dietro la guida, esegue in prima persona le traduzioni per l’edizione inglese (da bambina ha vissuto negli Stati Uniti ed è bilingue).
Poi la grafica Stefania Serra, il cui impegno va ben oltre il progetto grafico e l’impaginazione della guida, ma sconfina nel lavoro di redazione, con il controllo dei dati aziendali dei produttori recensiti.
E ovviamente il “fiancheggiatore esterno”, il vice curatore Riccardo Viscardi, che per me costituisce anche un consigliere
erga omnes.

Then the collaborators-tasters, for their willingness to scamper around Italy touring wine consortia, wineries, previews and various events, tasting thousands of wines, choosing and reviewing the best ones.Finally (last but not least, the Anglo-Saxons would say) the commercial team – headed by sole administrator Marina Thompson-that makes it possible to hold events as complex as our presentations are.
We did not have a single negative comment, the Fisar sommeliers were all great, and so many producers shouldered the burden of manning their tables telling about their wineries, explaining their wines and filling glasses.

Finally, some numbers

To conclude some numbers: 351 producers present with their stalls between Milan and Rome, a thousand wines of the highest quality offered for tasting, 4 guided seminars, nearly 2,700 people in attendance between the two cities.
If these are not the numbers of an achievement to be proud of, you tell me what would be.

I repeat, we are very happy: it seems that DoctorWine is for many a sure guide to choosing great Italian wines.
And we couldn’t hope for anything more for our publishing project.



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