Pot-PourriWine world news

France flattens, while Tuscany plants

Uno scorcio dei vigneti del Chianti - Fonte foto: Davide Taviani - Wikipedia

In Tuscany from February 15, you can apply for permission to plant new vineyards.

The region has defined the criteria, the share of maximum area that can be applied for and the share of minimum guaranteed area for the issuance of permits for new vineyard plantings to be carried out in Tuscany in 2025. Approximately 600 hectares will be guaranteed area for Tuscan winegrowers out of the 6800 planned nationwide. From February 15 until March 31, therefore, all interested parties will be able to submit applications for granting permits to plant new vineyards.

Satisfied Councillor Saccardi

“Vineyard Tuscany continues to grow, and we want to continue to foster the drive of businesses to strengthen it,” said Vice President and Agribusiness Councillor Stefania Saccardi. – An already vibrant sector that even in recent years has continued to grow in quality, thanks to the continued efforts of producers, both in the field and in the cellar. I can only renew the invitation already made to our viticulturists and entrepreneurs: let’s go ahead like this “.

Applications must be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry electronically under Sian, the National Agricultural Information System. All those who have at least as much or more agricultural land under management as that for which they are requesting authorization for the planting of a new vineyard are eligible. In any case, the maximum area that can be requested for each application is 30 hectares.

The list published in the Official Bulletin of the Tuscany Region.

The region then grants permits based on a list prepared by the Ministry itself, and these are valid for three years from the date of issuance. The publication of the act of approval of the ministerial list in the Official Bulletin of the Region of Tuscany takes the value of notification to the company. Should the total eligible applications cover an area larger than that available, individual applicants will still be guaranteed a minimum new planting area of 2,500 square meters. If then the authorization granted is for less than 50 percent of the area requested, the beneficiary may renounce. The waiver must be transmitted through the computer system made available on Sian, within 30 days from the date of publication of the list of beneficiaries in Burt, the official bulletin of the Region of Tuscany. Source: Toscana news,written by Chiara Bini, on Wednesday, January 29, 2025

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