Pot-PourriWine world news

The future of wine technicians

La rete delle scuole enologiche al sas

At the Edmund Mach Foundation (FEM) the point of Italian wine schools to discuss the future of wine technicians.

The assembly of the network of Italian wine schools coordinated by the Mach Foundation was held in San Michele in recent days, an event that takes on special significance this year since it is part of the year of the 150th anniversary celebrations.

Managers of Italian wine schools in assembly at FEM

The meeting involved 11 school leaders from Italian wine schools and consisted of a number of institutional moments and technical insights, including a constructive discussion on the future of the post-diploma course for wine technicians.

“In light of the ‘important coordinating role of Italian wine schools assigned to the FEM,” explains President Mirco Maria Franco Cattani – We hope that it will be pursued with conviction at the national level by the competent bodies a Concrete project to enhance viticulture-enology teaching, a path that is of considerable importance to our Institute, as it is strongly linked to its history and origins.”

An exhibition for the 150th FEM and lectio magistralis by Professor Scienza

The exhibition for the 150th anniversary of the Edmund Mach Foundation

The two-day event began with a visit to the exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of FEM, in Trento at the Sas Archaeological Space, introduced by greetings from director general Mario Del Grosso Destreri and dean Professor Manuel Penasa. This was followed by a lectio magistralis by Professor Attilio Scienza on the European panorama of new viticultural-enological frontiers at Palazzo Roccabruna. Then the history of Trentodoc in the presentation given by Professor Francesco Spagnolli and a visit to a local winery.

The regular meeting

Theregular assembly session, held at St. Michael’s, saw the leaders of the participating schools engaged in an analysis of the current state of the wine-making course and discussion of proposals for new ways of obtaining the degree to be included in future scenarios for reforming Technical Institutes.

The network of Italian wine schools was established in 2009 and involves agricultural schools with special arrangements in Viticulture and Enology with the aim of fostering discussion and exchange on issues of an educational, technical and programmatic nature and to safeguard the specificity of the training path reserved for future experts in the sector, acting as an important interlocutor with the relevant ministries.

Source: Edmund Mach Foundation Communication Office

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