Pot-PourriWine world news

The Euganean Hills Unesco World Biodiversity Reserve

Veduta dei Colli Euganei_ph credit M.Danesin

Since July 5, the Euganean Hills have been a UNESCO World Biodiversity Reserve. An important milestone for the Veneto region and for Italy, to the achievement of which viticulture also made an important contribution.

The inclusion of the Euganean Hills in the UNESCO World Biodiversity Reserve List is an extraordinary opportunity for our territory and our wine. – Says the president of the Consorzio Tutela Colli Euganei Gianluca Carraro. – We have supported the candidacy from the beginning, of which we feel we are an active part. Our viticulture is anexpression of biodiversity, just think that more than 30 different grape varieties are grown here.”

A biodiversity that also passes through attention to the environment, with respect for landscape constraints, and the use of low-impact cultivation techniques thanks to which hundreds of animal and plant life forms are preserved. “Our vineyards cover a considerable area of the Park, more than 3,000 hectares, and contribute to the protection and preservation of the land. Through their daily work, producers engage in water, forest and soil management, a vital role today in light of the climate changes that are increasingly evident.” Carraro concludes.

In addition to being a source of pride and further protection, the recognition will help make this beautiful area and its wine known to the world.



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