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Primanteprima and the Tuscan vineyard

Si rafforza il vigneto toscano - conferenza stampa Primanteprima 2024

Nearly 61 thousand hectares of which 95.7 percent are devoted to appellation wines. Today in Florence and live streaming, market and export trends of Made in Tuscany wine production are unveiled: starting at 4 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce, speeches by institutions and an insight into the challenges of the sector.

58 recognized geographical indications , including. 52 PDOs (11 DOCGs and 41 DOCs) and 6 Igt that preside over almost all of the Tuscan vineyard area: in 2023, amid an international landscape of declining areas of interest, the resilience is confirmed of the Tuscan vineyard, touching the 61 thousand hectares, of which the 95.7 percent destined for appellation wines, compared with a national average of up to 65 percent. Of these, nearly 60 percent (36 thousand Ha) have benefited from the CMO Wine – Restructuring and Conversion measure, which has been in effect for 23 years.

Tuscan vineyard strengthens
Vineyards in Tuscany

In this, too, Tuscany is above the national average , which stands at 50 percent. The significant regional use of the measure also emerges when analyzing the average age of the vineyard, 55 percent of which is less than 20 years old. Also above average is organic, involving 38 percent of the area planted with vines, compared to 20 percent on a national basis.

Domestic consumption

On the domestic consumption front with particular reference to large retailers, there are slight changes on the identikit of Tuscan wine buyers. In fact, it emerges that there is greater appreciation in the young prefamily group (+3% compared to 2022 and +11% compared to pre-Covid) and a recovery among families with young children (+6% compared to the previous year). The largest buyers-68 percent-remain the over-60s with middle and upper incomes, residing in the North Central ( ISMEA data).

Significant data in an overall, global scenario of light and shadow for the wine sector: today in Florence Numbers, trends and prospects of Made in Tuscany wine production will be the focus of PrimAnteprima, the traditional day that opens Tuscan Wine Preview Week, where new vintages are presented to the world of press and wine lovers.

Primanteprima, the program

Wednesday, 14 from 4 p.m. kicks off the Inauguration Workshop of PrimAnteprima 2024, an invitation-only event dedicated to the trade press hosted this year by the Florence Chamber of Commerce (p.zza Mentana, 1). The event-moderated by Nicola Prudente, aka Tinto, voice and face of Rai-will offer an insight into markets, exports and challenges in the sector.

Opening the day were speeches by Eugenio Giani, president of the Region of Tuscany; Leonardo Bassilichi, president of the Florence Chamber of Commerce; Massimo Manetti, president of PromoFirenze; and Francesco Palumbo, director of Fondazione Sistema Toscana.

Following is the report produced by ISMEA presented by Fabio Del Bravo, manager of ISMEA’s Supply Chain and Market Analysis Directorate, in which the structural characteristics of the Tuscan wine sector are described, as well as the performance of wines on the Italian and foreign markets. A global situation that is currently challenging, with declining production and the downsizing of some established markets. Carlo Flamini, Director of the Wine Observatory of UIV – Unione Italiana Vini, will talk about this in particular, focusing on the U.S. case.

Other challenges those dictated by the climate, with seasons marked by extraordinary weather events and trends that inevitably affect production: Bernardo Gozzini, sole director of the LaMMA Consortium, will give an overview. Closing the panel discussion was an interview with Tuscany Region’s vice president and alderman for agribusiness, Stefania Saccardi.

The Kyle Phillips Award

It will be Stefania Saccardi herself, together with the president of ASET – Tuscan Wine and Food Press Association. Leonardo Tozzi to then deliver the Kyle Phillips Award, named after the journalist who died prematurely and annually awarded by the Association to a colleague who has embodied the approach of frankness, professional curiosity, lack of bias and calm judgment.

It will be possible to follow the proceedings of PrimAnteprima on the websites and social channels of Regione Toscana, intoscana.it, BuyWine, Vetrina Toscana and the Florence Chamber of Commerce.

PrimAnteprima is promoted by the Region of Tuscany together with the Chamber of Commerce of Florence and organized by PromoFirenze. Communication coordination, press office and social, are handled by Fondazione Sistema Toscana.

Preview Week

Preview Week continues with events curated by the Consortia:

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