Wine world news

Montalcino, Gioberto Zannoni died

Mourning in Montalcino: struck down by a heart attack, Gioberto Zannoni, owner of La Fortuna winery, died on January 4.

Anyone who knew him could not help but love him: always smiling, kind, welcoming, a man who was not ashamed to talk about difficult times and the great fortune that had smiled on him and all of Montalcino. “Giobi” did not deny his farming origins; on the contrary, he was proud of them and deeply loved his work.

His end came suddenly and was a blow to all those who loved him, as well as to us who suddenly realized that it had been a few years since we had stopped by to say hello and that now we could no longer do so. All the images of the endless chats, drinks, meals we had together, the evenings spent with his family, the affection with which he always greeted us passed before our memory’s eyes.

May the earth be light to you Giobi, we hold in affection your loved ones, your beloved wife Felicetta, your children Angelo and Romina, Simona and grandchildren, who lost their magnificent grandfather too soon.

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