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MarsicaLand program presented in Rome


Marsicaland, presented in Rome the program that will take place in Avezzano, from Friday, Sept. 6 to Sunday, Sept. 8. A rich calendar of tastings of local products, cultural insights and performances.

The program of MarsicaLand was presented in Rome. Il Festival Diffuso dell’Agroalimentare, (Avezzano, Friday, Sept. 6 to Sunday, Sept. 8), dedicated to products of excellence from the Marsica-Fucense territory. An evening, the one in Rome, that is part of a calendar of “widespread” meetings. Also starting in Rome last October with the official presentation at Masaf. Continued with a series of stops in the Marsican territory involving local artisans, educational institutions, towns and villages. A path to tell about the first and only event dedicated to the discovery of the food and wine heritage of Marsica and Fucino. Dedicated to the promotion of the agribusiness sector as an engine of sustainable development of this of the interior Abruzzo land, valuable both in terms of its landscape and its historical agricultural vocation.

Marsicaland the path of enhancement

“Our journey to enhance the places, products and communities of Marsica and Fucino continues ,” explained Ernesto di Renzo, professor of Anthropology of Taste and Anthropology of Cultural Heritage at the University of Tor Vergata, as well as Scientific Coordinator of MarsicaLand. with a calendar of unique initiatives, as much in content as in the places involved, from major centers in the territory to large stages on a national scale, such as the Capital. We are back here to present the program of MarsicaLand, an initiative that aims to make Marsica and Fucino a destination of choice for Italian and foreign tourists. Emphasizing, once again, the role of gastronomic heritage as a flywheel for the economic-cultural development of a destination and as a tool for the identity growth of the territory. Now we are already projected to the grand finale in September that will make Avezzano the theater of great meetings for three days that will celebrate, as never before, all that is beautiful and good Avezzano and the Marsica region have to offer.”

The Roman evening

Chef Contest Marsica
Chef Contest Marsica

But the Roman one was also the occasion for an evening dedicated to the best of Marsican culinary culture. On the beautiful terrace of Ozio Restaurant ideal catwalk to present the Marso Typical Dish, the winning signature dish of the competition. The aim was to identify the ultimate recipe expressing the typical flavors of this area. The contest, staged in the spaces of the Domus Mariae in the Shrine of Our Lady Most Holy of Pietraquaria last April 24, featured a selection of chefs from the area’s restaurant industry who faced off in creating their own interpretation of Marsican cuisine. A day of tastings and samplings that featured well-known faces in food and wine communication and journalism on the jury. Gioacchino Bonsignore, Mediaset television journalist; Antonio Paolini, journalist and highly regarded critic of the sector. Stefano Carboni, communication expert; Franco Santini, food and wine journalist. Roberto Raschiatore, journalist for Il Centro; Maria Teresa Colizza, former city councilor and Asl manager; Giovanbattista Pitoni, historian; and L’Aquila chef William Zonfa. These are the members of the technical jury, chaired by Ernesto Di Renzo, MarsicaLand Scientific Coordinator.

Marsicaland’s benchmarks.

Territoriality of raw materials, loyalty to tradition and creativity. These are the benchmarks and secret ingredients of the creation destined to become, starting as early as now and ahead of the big event in Avezzano. Marsica’s flagship dish in local dining and beyond region. Proposing the candidate dish to embody the typicality and gastronomic tradition of Marsica is Sandro Baliva of the Madonna delle Vigne restaurant in Celano with “Marsigrani,” a true homage to territorial cuisine and especially to the excellence of local grains and legumes that represent the historical and cultural roots of this land. Next, all ex aequo demonstrating the high level of the dishes offered, was Federico Orlandi of Orlandi truffle restaurant (Avezzano) with “Patata Marsa.” Paolo Verna of Postaccio – Bacaro Marsicano (Avezzano) and his “Carezzaccia,” Maurizio Di Marco Testa of La Parigina restaurant (Tagliacozzo) for his “Memoria” dish and Yuri Cursi for his “Scarpetta” proposal.

Space, of course, is also given to local wines represented by Cantina del Fucino and Cantine Bove.

“A wonderful evening,” concluded Professor Di Renzo, “che certainly marks an important transition ahead of the three-day Avezzano event. It is worth emphasizing the great teamwork involving the Festival’s technical coordinator Giuliano Montaldi, the municipality of Avezzano in the figure of Mayor Gianni Di Pangrazio, the Abruzzo Region in the figure of Agriculture Councillor Emanuele Imprudente and all the entities and trade associations that signed the memorandum of understanding that launched the Marsicaland project.”

Stefania Vinciguerra and Riccardo Viscardi participated for DoctorWine.


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