Pot-PourriWine world news

Giorgio Medici has passed away

Giorgio Medici

It is with immense sorrow that we learn that Giorgio Medici, president and third-generation member of the Medici Ermete winery, pioneer of Lambrusco and Italian wine in the world, has passed away.

Giorgio Medici (better known as James) passed away yesterday at the age of 86. He dedicated his entire life to his work, to Lambrusco and to the enhancement of Emilia-Romagna.
President of the Lambrusco Consortium between 1996 and 2002, he was responsible for the innovation that guided the renaissance of this appellation over the past 30 years.

Disappeared yesterday, Sept. 12

The Medici family made the sad announcement of the passing of Giorgio, who came to send yesterday, Sept. 12.
An elegant man with deep ties to his territory, he was committed his entire life to exporting his beloved Lambrusco beyond local, regional and national borders.

An ambassador of values and principles that will continue to guide the Medici Hermes company in the years to come.
A man who physically lived in the present with his mind turned to the future.

DoctorWine’s condolences

Daniele Cernilli and the entire editorial staff of DoctorWine extend their heartfelt condolences to the family.

Medici Ermete the company

Medici Ermete has succeeded in creating a microcosm of quality in a reality such as that of the province of Reggio Emilia, historically vocated to large numbers and to a care of the wines produced more related to mass consumption than to quality. Today it is an established reality with important numbers, just as the quality of its wines is recognized throughout the world. Taking advantage of rigorous selections and technically advanced protocols, the winery manages to express wines of extreme pleasantness and good structure.

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