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Etna Doc, unanimous vote for production containment

Assemblea soci consorzio Etna doc

Contingent management of new vineyard registration confirmed by the membership meeting. For President Cambria, “a strategic choice that protects the territory and market positioning.”

Production containment to support quality growth and positioning of the denomination. The line of the Consortium for the Protection of Etna Doc Wines is confirmed, which at the last members’ meeting hit the target of cohesion by unanimously resolving to renew the strategy of contingent management of the enrollment of new vineyards in Etna Doc. In fact, the consortium body established for the next three years (from August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2027) a maximum limit of 50 annual hectares of new plantings that can be enrolled in the Do.

The controlled increase in areas is a necessary condition for a reasoned growth of the denomination,” comments the president of the Consortium, Francesco Cambria -. A choice that protects the territory and, at the same time, ensures an increasingly quality-oriented positioning in the markets. A decision made by a unanimous vote at a well-attended meeting, showing the maturity of the membership even on such a divisive issue – Cambria concludes -. Consortium’s announcement aims to safeguard the interests of the entire denomination, giving equal opportunity for producers to grow“. In fact, each farm may apply to the Consortium for eligibility for up to one hectare per year, and if applications exceed the annual ceiling, the area authorized to individual farms will be reduced proportionally.

A few facts about Etna Doc.

The first appellation to be established in Sicily in 1968 and among the pioneers in Italy, Etna doc covers a vineyard of 1,500 hectares enclosed in 20 municipalities and 133 contrade. Today the consortium of the same name, which represents 90 percent of the total production potential, brings together 220 wineries for an average annual production of 6 million bottles, 60 percent of which are exported, particularly to the United States, Canada, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

According to the study “If you take wine away from Italy. A dip in the glass half emptyo”, carried out on the occasion of the last Vinitaly by the Uiv-Vinitaly Observatory and Prometeia, the contribution on the territory of the Sicilian Doc is worth up to 10 times more than the value of the wine (ex cellar): each bottle produced and consumed locally is in fact capable of generating an impact (direct, indirect and induced) on the territory quantifiable in 82 euros.

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