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Franciacorta: 2022 positive and 2023 full of activities

The year 2022 is just behind us. The year just past was a favorable one for Franciacorta, which marked an excellent sales trend. Overall, 2022 presented volume sales well over 20 million bottles, surpassing 2019’s numbers and staying in line with those of 2021.

“The results achieved in 2022 see an increase in the overall value of our wines and are a source of great satisfaction for Franciacorta. We are coming out of a difficult period, marked by the pandemic: data and numbers, however, reward the commitment of producers and push us to do better and better. The rich calendar of events we have drawn up for 2023 goes precisely in this direction, aiming at the enhancement and promotion of our territory, this year recognized, together with the cities of Brescia and Bergamo, as “Capital of Culture.”” , said Sivano Brescianini, president of the Franciacorta Consortium.

These break-even figures in volumes were accompanied by a decidedly more positive trend in sales, which presented higher growth rates in all months of the year than in volumes, demonstrating the fact that the average sales price (and therefore the value attributed by the market) is constantly increasing (+ 5.7%). Globally, the average on-shelf price of an equivalent bottle, indistinct by type, stood at €21.50 (including VAT) at the end of 2021; in the year 2022 this value rose to €23.
In 2022 the domestic market accounted for 88.5 percent of sales, a slight decrease (-2 percent) compared to the previous year. The remaining 11.5 percent was made up of exports, which, on the other hand, showed a growth rate of 11.3 percent. Among the various purchasing countries, Switzerland confirmed its leadership, accounting for 20.3 percent of total exports. It was followed by Japan (13.7 percent of total exports), the United States (12.1 percent), Belgium and Germany (12 percent and 10.9 percent, respectively).
Among sales channels, the growth in Horeca continues, balanced by a decline in sales in the large-scale retail channel. These phenomena are clearly explained by the progressive return to conviviality following the removal of pandemic-related restrictions. Lombardy is confirmed as the leading region (35.9% of sales in Italy), followed by Emilia Romagna (10.5%).
Interesting data on Franciacorta Satèn (millesimati and non-millesimati) that record a +3.3% vs 2021 at the global level, good performance abroad as well, it is growing in the main countries: +57.1% in Japan, +28.8% in the USA, +12.4% in Germany. Another type on the rise is Franciacorta Dosaggio Zero (vintage and non vintage) with +18.2% vs 2021.

Encouraging data, which push Franciacorta in facing 2023 with renewed strength and energy. It will be a year to be lived to the full, with a rich program of events, festivals and collaborations, elaborated also in the light of the assignment of “Capital of Culture” to Brescia, Bergamo and their territory. It is a framework in which Franciacorta fits right in, to promote this ‘magnificent area, to be visited and discovered, composed of natural, historical and enogastronomic heritages, crossed by a culture and traditions to be divulged in every way.

The Franciacorta calendar of events for 2023 ranges from Italian, European and world cities and is punctuated by festivals, participation in fairs, awards, partnerships and collaborations worthy of note. It starts in February, with five days of Experience in the territory to train Members, and then moves on, in March with a new format “Franciacorta on tour” a cycle of masterclasses around Italy (Milan, Rome, Florence, Naples, Catania and Bolzano) for operators and enthusiasts.  In this month there will also be the Franciacorta Festival in Miami and then continue in Italy with itinerant festival stops in Perugia, Versilia and Como, and there will be the June event across the ocean where dinners and events are planned in New York City. In September there will be, as every year, the Festival in Cantina, which will return to the old formula of one weekend: September 16 and 17.

A program, then, that promises to be truly considerable, especially since those listed above are just some of the events planned for 2023. Throughout the year, the Franciacorta Consortium will of course continue to pursue its communication projects in Italy and abroad, and to collaborate fruitfully with academies and training schools. New impetus will be given to the development of editorial content, for web, digital and social. Finally, not to be forgotten is the continuation of important partnerships with Camera della Moda, Porsche, Michelin, 1000miglia, Alma, Cast Alimenti, Intrecci and numerous other brands and organizations.

Source: Franciacorta Consortium

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