
Valentini logo
Valentini logo

  • 3
  • Valentini
  • +39 085 8291138
  • +39 085 8291138
  • Via del Baio, 2 - 65014 Loreto Aprutino (PE)
  • Italia
  • Abruzzo
  • Year of foundation: 1650
  • Titolare: Francesco Paolo Valentini
  • Hectares of vineyard: 70
  • Total bottles produced: 32,000


As you can see, no winery visits or direct sales are planned. Francesco Paolo Valentini, exactly like his father Edoardo, is not a stage man. If anything, he lets his wines speak for themselves (which have even improved in finesse under his work), about which much has been written, and which accompany us with their longevity for years and years. The Valentines’ wines, all of them, are a work of high and rigorous craftsmanship. They need to be refined in the bottle for a long time and must be understood and expected. Those who do not have the desire or patience to do so had better choose something else to drink; those wines would not find them to their taste. Those who know them well cannot do without them, and we are proudly among the latter.