De Vescovi Ulzbach

De Vescovi Ulzbach

  • De Vescovi Ulzbach
  • +39 0461 605648
  • Piazza Garibaldi,12 - 38016 Mezzocorona (TN)
  • Italia
  • Trentino
  • Year of foundation: 1708
  • Giulio de Vescovi
  • Hectares of vineyard: 7.5
  • Total bottles produced: 60,000
  • Direct sale
  • Shop on line
  • Visite all’azienda By reservation
  • Tastings


In the mid-1600s, the Prince-Bishop of Trent’s bursar Vigilio de Vescovi, a delegate to the Diet of Innsbruck for the Prince himself, led the family from Vermiglio in the upper Val di Sole to Mezzocorona in the Piana Rotaliana, already known at the time for its wines. The main thread of this shift was the Noce River (Ulzbach in German), which has its source precisely in Val di Sole to flow into the Adige at the end of the Campo Rotaliano. In our time it is Giulio de Vescovi who, having completed his studies in Viticulture and Enology at the University of Florence, has taken over the winery and production to offer us excellent wines.