Wine world news

Vito Planeta passed away

Vito Planeta, brother of Alessio and Santi, who was also involved in the family mission of one of the most important wine companies in Italy (and not only), has passed away at the age of 57.

Vito was a great lover of books, wine, music, and art in all its facets. Brilliant, genial, personable affable, Vito had a managerial background in Publitalia. But after his experience in Milan, he returned to Sicily to run the family business. For him, doing business in Sicily was first and foremost a cultural thing. A journey that started in Menfi (with his brothers Santi and Alessio, with his uncle Diego and cousin Francesca) where the three wineries (Ulmo, Cantina Dispensa and Monte Cirami) are based, then reached as far as the territories of Vittoria, Noto, Capo Milazzo and Etna, for a family adventure yet to be written. Palermo Mayor Roberto Lagalla also remembers him. “The untimely death of Vito Planeta,” he says, “is a great loss for the great family of Sicilian enology, but also for all that Palermo cultural world he had animated. He was an eclectic and innovative entrepreneur who carried on the tradition of the Planeta winery together with the other members of the family, to whom I extend my condolences and those of the entire administration.” He leaves behind two daughters, ages 18 and 17. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at the Church of Saints Peter and Paul on Bentivegna Street.

Souce: Cronache di Gusto

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