
The wine-image

Sophia Loren versa champagne nei bicchieri

Different typology from the previous ones, which does not talk about the wine itself but about what it represents and its ability to fulfill expectations that are not tasting but status symbol.

This sixth macro-typology would be worth serious consideration but, traversing across each of the previous ones, it could not structurally be part of this list.

The wine-image represents A mighty category in numbers and value, a protagonist of every national and international market, a winner in every time, able to seduce and fascinate even the most experienced and crafty taster.

A winning image

The wine-image is a product that comes in the form of bottles that are not ordered and uncorked because of the type to which they belong, because of the aromas and flavors they manage to unfold, because of the pleasure one gets from drinking them.
They come
Ordered and uncorked for what they represent., for their ability to fulfill the expectations of our mind even before those of our palate and belly.The energy spent by producers to package around their wines a winning image are growing steadily, and the struggle to emerge is getting tougher and tougher, with no holds barred.
These are efforts that often pay off, cloaking the wines that are the subject of them with
a magical aura capable of greatly conditioning consumer choices, but also the attitude of experts and those tasters who make objectivity their hallmark (and this is the first reason for the multiplication of blind tastings, the need to verify on anonymous samples the positive judgments bestowed by tasting openly).

Between charm and beauty

All this, of course, without wanting at all costs to negatively connote the wine-image category.
It is just a matter of being able to identify the
thin line between charm and beauty.
E degustare senza i condizionamenti dell’immagine può servire a svelare quando il fascino, spesso, è solo uno strumento per nascondere una sostanziale mancanza di bellezza.

Although today, to be fair, the problem with Italian wine seems to be quite the reverse: so many, too many wines are surprisingly beautiful but relegated to the margins of the market due to a chronic lack of appeal.
E non saranno certo i giudizi, i voti e le classifiche stilate dagli esperti a trasformare i topini in cavalli bianchi, le zucche in carrozze dorate e le cenerentole in principesse.

Article from “RuvidaMente.com,” courtesy of author Stefano Milioni: The 6 Faces of Planet Wine – RuvidaMente by Milioni


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